May 31, 2023
Most people fight for their limitations, not their dreams.
They’d rather tell you sob stories about all their constraints and how brutal their “reality” is.
Comments I hear every week:
“My job dominates my life.”
“I have no free time for myself.”
“I’m undervalued and underpaid.”
These folks believe that their situation is forced upon them.
They don’t see any possibility of change.
I remember feeling this way often — I felt so caged.
But almost a decade ago, things shifted dramatically for me.
While still deep in the corporate world, something inside me wanted to be an entrepreneur.
Having no clue what entrepreneurship looked like, I wisely (stupidly?) invested in joining a mastermind program where I’d be surrounded by other entrepreneurs.
Showing up in that room every quarter scared and inspired me.
One day, in front of everyone, I admitted I was the lone “corporate” person in the room — just an aspiring entrepreneur.
I justified why I couldn’t be like the others in the room…yet.
Sensing my shame and embarrassment, my coach immediately jumped in.
She hit me with a question I’ll never forget:
“What are you still tolerating?”
That rocked my world.
I immediately had to come to grips with my reality. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I journaled my thoughts on the flight home.
It was a long list, much to do with blaming external forces (e.g., a dominating job owning my days, and affecting my health and family).
The answers jolted me to life.
I realized I was enabling my sad situation…and limiting my career and life.
I was tolerating a ton of bullshit.
“Tolerate” is the keyword.
It puts the onus on you and makes you take extreme ownership of your situation.
External forces aren’t doing this to us; we are willingly accepting (nay — creating) our reality.
In the coming months, I sought help from my coach and peers on how to break through the BS I was tolerating in my life.
It came down to two ideas: mental models and identity.
Mental models:
But this message isn’t about me. It’s about you.
So please, answer this for yourself: “What am I still tolerating?”
PS - when ready, here’s how we can help you:
receive weekly “secrets” for generating professional and personal freedom.
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