Your dream is there for the taking.
But not without discipline.
Think about what you want most. Most people tell me: time freedom, amazing family relationships, a purposeful career, or financial independence.
Great. But none of this is possible without extreme discipline.
Extreme discipline to:
Humans are the apex predator — freakishly elite animals capable of almost anything.
But you’re only using 10% of your potential right now.
Are you willing to let the other 90% stay dormant?
Probably not. But how do you tap into that 90%?
Simple answer: discipline.
We need focus and constraints to generate remarkable results.
In Discipline is Destiny (great book!), Ryan Holiday nails it:
“Freedom requires discipline. Discipline gives us freedom.”
I spent my 20s as a dreamer…with zero discipline.
I said yes to everything. Tried to cram a week into a day. I thought I was unbreakable.
Not the case. I broke. I lost a lot and had to reinvent myself.
So, I spent years with coaches, therapists, entrepreneurs, and some of the world’s greatest minds (in books).
They all reveal the same simple truth: freedom requires discipline.
The discipline to focus, be hard on yourself, experiment, fail, and persevere.
I’m on the third iteration of my business. I could’ve stopped after the first two failed. But my why was too powerful. I couldn’t give up.
So I dialed up the discipline: I said “no” to most things; “yes” to a few.
“Routines” are robotic, drab, and (often) adopted from another person. In contrast, a ritual is something you can’t wait to do. It’s a tailored practice that gives you joy, energy, and results.
I’ll argue that everyone (especially 9-5ers with minimal free time) should build rituals into the bookends of their day. This is the scheduled space in which you create freedom. It doesn’t just happen by chance. Write that book, acquire a cash-flowing asset, shape your personal brand. 30, 60, or 90 minutes — install your disciplined rituals.
Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy have a concept: 10X (growth) is easier than 2X. If we choose 10X (exponential) growth over 2X (incremental) growth, we can only keep 20% of what we’re currently doing. 80% of your activities need to be new.
Focusing on new 10X activities (e.g., building a side business, losing 50 pounds in 3 months) requires extreme discipline. The old stuff can’t get in our way. Discipline yourself to fixate on the new.
Descartes was wrong: mind and body are one. An elite mind requires an elite body. As Ryan Holiday says, this requires we commit to the strenuous life: pushing our bodies daily (even through pain) and pairing that with purposeful recovery (especially great sleep).
You know the people who say “I don’t have time to exercise.” Those are the same people who are living a frustrated, mediocre life. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Question is, will you be disciplined enough to prioritize a healthy body?
Today’s message is simple. Get disciplined.
There’s no other way. Let’s GO!
PS - when ready, here’s how we can help you:
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