Design or be designed.
Control or be controlled.
Position or be positioned.
Nobody wants to hear these harsh truths.
But take a hard look at your life:
…what is your “work” strategy?
…how is this strategy impacting your career trajectory?
…what does this trajectory mean for financial and time freedom?
…what lifestyle are you creating for yourself (and/or your family)?
You might not like the answers. But that’s okay. We all start there.
Right now, you’re at a critical fork in the road. Let me explain the two paths.
Most people live Outside-In.
A person’s outside world rules their inside world.
These people:
Here, your life is designed by other people and forces.
“Work sucks.”
“I’m always tired.”
“My wife is always mad.”
(You realize you can fix all these, right?)
Logically, you know you have a “choice,” but you don’t exercise it.
Why do so many end up here? Simple. Falling in line is safe and predictable.
Being designed is just easier.
In contrast, Uncaged rebels live Inside-Out.
They set their “life” terms and then act them into existence.
While everyone else is blaming the default path, they design their own — with extreme specificity.
Being a designer of your own life is hard. The results can take a long time to manifest.
But it’s ridiculously worth it.
Think how you’ll feel when:
The choice is simple: be the designer.
First and foremost, designing your life requires extreme ownership.
It’s a mentality where “everything is my fault.” (Let that notion free you.)
Start with the pen.
There’s nothing more life-changing for you than the written word.
Why do this?
“You’re 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a daily basis.” (source)
I’m talking five minutes a day: write down your goals (how you want your life to be).
Externalizing your desired life “design” must be a regular thing — written (primary), spoken (secondary).
This process extracts the noise from your monkey mind and forces you to crystalize specific thoughts of what you actually want to create in your life.
I completely transformed my life through early-morning journaling sessions.
If I hadn’t continually written down what I wanted, I’d still be a divorced and single dad, struggling with a sickening relationship with corporate life.
Today, my life is the complete opposite of that.
Sure, you can stick with being designed.
Or you can be the designer.
Trust me: pick the pen, day after day.
It’s the simplest of habits.
You’ll inevitably start making life-altering choices that align with your designed life (this is how identity works).
Design or be designed.
PS - when ready, here’s how we can help you:
receive weekly “secrets” for generating professional and personal freedom.
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